
Ministries and Organizations

We 'Live Christ' Through Our Ministries

Through various ministries and organizations, the people of St. Joseph in Wauwatosa serve each other, the surrounding community and the world.

We welcome your involvement in these ministries that give us the opportunity "to live Christ," and to be "a family devoted to experiencing Jesus through prayer, formation and service."

View the following to learn how we serve God's people, and on how you can lend your talents to a ministry.

Ministries at St. Joseph, Wauwatosa
  • Pastoral Council

    The Pastoral Council is a group of people, chosen from and by the parish community, who consult with the pastor to foster and plan parish activity.

    Contact: Joe Herro, 414-469-7261 or

  • Finance Council

    The Finance Council provides advice and guidance to the pastor in the administration of parish assets.

    Contact: Robbie Allbright, 414-241-1078 

  • Building & Grounds Committee

    The Buildings and Grounds Committee works with the Finance Council, business administrator and maintenance staff to maintain and improve the parish facilities and grounds.

    Contact: Carol Polivka, 414-379-1616

  • Endowment Advisory Committee

    The Endowment Committee exists to manage the Endowment Fund and to oversee the disbursement of monies for the educational and capital needs of the Parish. 

    Contact: Tim Taff,

  • Catholic Formation Committee

    The committee functions as an advisory body to assist Ministry staff in program development, direction and implementation.

    Contact: Larry Barbian, 414-871-7231

  • School Committee

    St. Joseph School Committee’s role is to advise, develop, and support policies related to the school.

    Contact: Jeremy Blackwood,

  • Home and School Association

    The Home and School Association  is responsible for supporting and coordinating volunteer efforts for activities including: Forensics, Oktoberfest, Catholic Schools’ week events, Cookie House, High Interest Day, and numerous other classroom and school wide events.

    Contact: Alex Hersey, 414-807-9093 or

  • Athletic Association

    The Athletic Association organizes athletic activities for all St. Joe’s day school and religious education students, and oversees maintenance and improvements to the Activity Center.

    Contact: Athletic Director, Amy Ford,

  • Prayer and Worship Committee

    The Prayer and Worship Committee plans for the different liturgical seasons and special events.

    Contact: Suzzanne Silman, 414-771-4626 x104 or

  • Music Ministry

    The Music Ministry at St. Joseph’s offers opportunities for all with musical gifts to become involved including the adult and funeral choir, cantors, instrumentalists and handbells.

    Contact: Daniel O’Connor


  • Art & Environment Team

    The Art & Environment Team prepares the worship space in and around the church for the different seasons of the liturgical year.

    Contact: Suzzanne Silman, 414-771-4626 x104 or

  • Altar Servers

    Alter servers assist the priest during weekday and weekend liturgies. Students may train for this ministry at the end of third grade and beyond. High schoolers and adults are also encouraged to participate.

    Contact: Audrey Szews,

  • Eucharistic Ministers

    Extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist assist in the distribution of the Eucharist at Mass. Ministers serve on a volunteer basis at the Mass of their choosing. Volunteers need to be confirmed Catholics who will attend a one-half-hour training session.

    Contact: Suzzanne Silman, 414-771-4626 x104 or

  • Lectors

    Lectors volunteer to assist in the Liturgy of the Word by proclaiming the first and second readings and intercessions at weekend and Holy Day Masses. New lectors are provided a brief training prior to their first assigned Mass.

    Contact: Ann Marie Wick, 414-213-4902 or

  • Sacristans

    The sacristan prepares what is needed for each Mass and assists with clean-up afterward. Mass time of your choice, training and support provided.

    Contact: Suzzanne Silman, 414-771-4626 x104 or

  • Ushers/Ministers of Hospitality

    Ushers, also known as ministers of hospitality, play a vital role in extending hospitality and assistance to parishioners and visitors during Mass.

    Contact: Phil Bain, 414-333-7538‬ or

  • Church Cleaning

    Church cleaners are responsible for performing light housekeeping duties in the sanctuary, sacristy, balcony, confessional and narthex areas. Training is provided.

    Contact: Judy Patin, 262-506-8359

  • Stewardship & Communications

    The Stewardship Committee encourages us to care for the possessions that God has given us as a way of giving thanks and sharing the good news with pray, time, talent and treasure within and outside the parish. The committee also assists in communications among the parish and outside of the parish.

    Contact: Duane Filtz, 262-993-4858 or

  • Purificator Washing

    Members of this group, in their home wash and iron the purificators (linens) which have been used in Mass.

    Contact: Jane Vosters, 262-780-9668 or

  • Parish Life Committee

    The mission of the Parish Life Committee is to foster and build community among all parish members.

    Contact: Jen Murray, 414-331-5936, or Anne Mallinger, 414-202-6796,

  • Human Concerns

    The role of this organization is to discern human needs in the community and to identify resources to meet those needs by enlisting the active cooperation of each parish member.

    Contact: Karen Bartel, 414-476-9914

  • Bereavement Ministry

    The Bereavement Committee works to offer solace to those who have lost a loved one and those working through the grieving process.

    Contact: Cathie Papen, 262-789-1752 or Padge Haas, 262-784-5952

  • Coat Collection for the Needy

    From November through March, winter coats and jackets, as well as scarves, hats and gloves, are collected on a clothes rack located in the Welcome Center off the Center Street entrance of the Church. The items should be clean and in good condition. These articles are donated and delivered to those in need.

    Contact: Karen Bartel, 414-476-9914

  • Communion to the Homebound

    Homebound persons wishing to receive Holy Communion can do so by calling the parish office more information. Also contact the office if you would like to distribute to the homebound.

  • Food Pantry

    Food and/or money are donated every third weekend of the month during Mass. The food and money help the needy at Hope House, The House of Peace, St. Rose and St. Hyacinth.

    Contact: Russ Luther, 262-782-8328

  • Foreign Ministry

    St. Joseph’s sister parish is St. Peter Claver in Belize. Groups of parishioners travel to Belize annually. Special collections of money and materials are held on an as-needed basis.

    Contact: Jim Schwai, 262-782-1343

  • Outreach

    The Outreach Committee helps with the needs of different groups and distributes funds accordingly to assist local and state organizations for those in need.

    Contact: Diane Haase, 262-785-6230

  • Repairers of the Breach

    This organization is a non-sectarian daytime center for the homeless. Services offered include health care, literacy training, and counseling. St. Joseph parishioners help in this ministry.

    Contact: Anne Thomas, 414-258-9362

  • Respect Life Committee

    The Respect Life Committee works on education, activism, and fundraising to promote an appreciation for all life, as the Catholic Church calls us to do.

    Contact: Lynne Herro, 414-469-7260

  • St. Ben's Meal Program

    Our mission is to help spread God’s abundant love and grace by warming the bodies and souls of the guests of the St. Ben’s Meal Program by providing delicious, homemade casseroles and desserts on a regular basis.

    Contact:  Marilyn Martin, 262-993-6566 or

  • Sandwich Making

    On the second Tuesday of the month following the morning Mass, volunteers gather in the school hall to make sandwiches for the Open Door Cafe at St. John’s Cathedral, which serves the less fortunate who are homeless, hungry or otherwise in need.

    Contact: Karen Bartel, 414-476-9914

  • Tree of Life

    Donated gifts are collected at Christmastime and donated to needy families in the Milwaukee Archdiocese in collaboration with Catholic Charities.

    Contact: Deb Hamer, 414-778-1280

  • Senior Club

    The St. Joseph Senior Club (formerly Go-Getters) offers senior (60+) parish members the opportunity to gather for service opportunities, fellowship, and fun.

    Contact: Diane Haase, 262-785-6230

  • St. Vincent de Paul Society

    The St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Society provides a helping hand to our neighbors in need of support. 

    If you need assistance, contact Joe Schueller: 414-462-7837, ext. 110.

    If you would like more information about St. Joe’s SVDP Conference, contact Joe Schueller at 262-288-4812.

  • Christian Women

    The focus of the Christian Women organization is to promote the spiritual growth of women by fostering fellowship, the enrichment of Christian family life and the service and support of our parish community.

  • Rummage Sale

    The Christian Women Society of St. Joe’s sponsors an annual parish wide Rummage and Perennial Plant Sale in mid-June. The proceeds are used to support the extra needs of St. Joseph Parish. 

    Contact: Fran Tollefson, 262-786-8276

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